Darjeeling first flush SFTGFOP1 Oaks Organic
The letters SFTGFOP1 refer to the appearance of the dry leaf. The grade FTGFOP stands for “Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe”. This means it’s a whole-leaf tea with plenty of tips, or buds. Over the years, the story has grown and the description has expanded. S means “Super”, and 1 mean 1st flush (harvest).
Having my first cup of this special tea as I type this review. After the first sip, I knew I had to tell everyone from the roof tops how simply magnificent this tea is. Beautiful brew coloring of gold, delicious smell, and oh so buttery smooth honey taste that leaves the mouthfeel lingers long enough for you to want more. Being new in the world of loose leaf tea, and BM being the only company I’ve purchased from thus far (recommended) on top of this being only the third tea Ive bought, after the WuLu Mountain Mist (green)(my first favorite) and the Cleopatra chamomile (uncaffeinated at its finest) I have to say I’ve been delightfully hydrated ever since. It’s become my special little something I do for myself that I look forward to every day. I know this one will be wonderful iced too. Thanks again BMTC for sourcing the finest